What does Exist on This:

Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

About me:

HAI! I am Istiqomah, the  writer of this blog. Hmm..I just getting started to write blog like this. Honestly, I like writing. But I just enspired to write on blog since some day ago. And why my writing only about food? Because I like food, I like cooking. So just enjoy how I treat you all by this kind of blog.

I am 20th years old. A communication student in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta who live in Bogor, Indonesia.

For any business enquiry or for knowing me well, just drop your email to:

If you want to copy my articles or some of my word on it, please write the source or catch my permission first. You can find me on:

Instagram: @iistiqomahch

Twitter: @istiqomahch 

Thank you for staying and reading my blog.

With love,


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